1203 N Allen Place

The proposed site is going through Administrative Design Review to allow for demolition of existing single-family residences and new construction of (9) rowhouse units and (8) townhouse units. (13) surfaces parking spaces will be provided, as well as the required refuse and recycling receptacles, along with bicycle storage.

Address: 1203 N. Allen Pl                              

SDCI #:  6890591-CN                           

Zoning:  LR3 (M1)

Project Contact:  Christian Baugher/H+dlT 

Email:  info@hdltcollaborative.com    

 In Equity Area:  No

We welcome your comments and feedback!

You can take our survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8RS9WZF                 

You can also enter the project address or SDCI project number in the design review calendar: (http://designreviewoutreach.seattle.gov/) and the Seattle services portal (https://cosaccela.seattle.gov/portal/). 

You can learn more about Early Community Outreach for Design Review on the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods website (https://www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/outreach-and-engagement/design-review-for-early-outreach). 


*Please note that information collected in this outreach may be made public.


222 10th Avenue E